Corporate and financial information of the Fertiberia Group

Grupo Villar 
Mir Chemical and
Fertilizer Division

Grupo Fertiberia constitutes the Grupo Villar Mir Chemical and Fertilizer Division. With Fertiberia as the Group's leading company, found in several sectors, it has been a permanent point of reference for Spanish agriculture, one of the most advanced in the world nowadays.


Grupo Fertiberia, leader in the European Union in the chemical fertilizer sector, was created with the incorporation of Fertiberia into the Grupo Villar Mir in 1995.

The strategy, designed years ago and based on international expansion, on diversification and a permanent commitment to research, development and innovation, has enabled Grupo Fertiberia to become the second industrial group with Spanish capital in the chemical sector with activity in more than 80 countries.

In recent years, the Group has also boosted its activity in the manufacturing and commercialisation of products for industrial use, making it one of the international operators in the market of ammonia and by-products.

More than 20 years growing 

Discover the most significant milestones in our expansion and the steps taken to become the business group we are today.



Vision and strategy

Main pillars of growth

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