Service to farmers Grupo Fertiberia

Focused on the needs of the farmer

One of the Grupo Fertiberia priorities is that the consumption of its fertilizers is as efficient as possible for the farmer so that the crops develop all their productive potential, optimising the way the plants use the fertilizers.

"It is essential to understand the type of soil and know what its limitations are to fertilize a crop efficiently. For this reason, the Group has laboratories equipped with ultra-modern facilities, mainly aimed at studying the correct fertilizer regime for each farm."

Analysis, diagnosis and fertilizer recommendations

In Spain, the Grupo Fertiberia has an Agronomic Laboratory in the Agro-Environmental Technology Centre - Grupo Fertiberia located at the University of Seville, where soil, foliar and water analyses are carried out and used to establish personalised fertilizer recommendations. Over 10,000 analyses and fertilizer recommendations a year at the service of the farmer.

In Algeria, there are two agronomic laboratories in the Arzew and Annaba factories, with a built area of over 1,000 m2 in the latter. With an analytical capacity of 10,000 samples per year, these laboratories contribute very actively to improving and recovering the practice of using fertilizers, in accordance with the strategy of the Algerian government and main research organisations, and in collaboration with them.

The Grupo Fertiberia offers farmers this analysis service and its resulting free fertilizer recommendations, using the program designed by the company itself in collaboration with several universities: the Integrated Fertilizer Diagnosis and Recommendation System (SIDDRA). This computer application uses the correct interpretation of the results obtained in previous analyses to allow technicians from the Group’s Agronomic Service to make hugely accurate and reliable fertilizer recommendations.

Thanks to the data obtained, companies in the Grupo Fertiberia can propose fertilizers to farmers that allow them to maximise crop yields and preserve the fertility of the soil, thus improving the profitability of the agricultural activity.

Fertilizer calculator 

¿Which fertilizer suits me best and how much do I need?

A simple test can help farmers find the traditional Fertiberia fertilizer that best suits their needs and calculate the right dose for their type of soil and crop.


Soil analysis

The benefit of a good analysis

Fertiberia, through its distributors, offers farmers a free personalised service of soil, foliar and water analyses, thanks to the Siddra program.

More information

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