Proyecto de innovación HE-Complex


High efficiency complex fertilizers

The evolution that is taking place in Spain and in neighbouring countries towards more modern and technified agriculture, in which sustainability and productivity are indispensable requisites for the survival of the agricultural sector, represents an opportunity for innovation. Fertiberia is keen to take up this challenge and is strongly committed to research and innovation in new advanced fertilizers which increase the efficiency of crop nutrition compared to traditional fertilizers.


Complex fertilizers are the most complete products for the mineral nutrition of crops. They are also the most widespread for deep application and in the period between before planting and the first stages of the plants’ development.

The HE-Complex project focuses on the development and design of highly efficient complex fertilizers, which guarantee the availability of nutrients throughout the crop cycle, reduce the chances of precipitation or blockage in the soil and avoid the risk of losses through leaching.

Fertiberia therefore expects to have a new range of High Efficiency Complex Fertilizers for deep application, especially in environmentally-sensitive crops or management situations.




773.955 €

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